Our AI streamlines complex manual effort into efficient semi-automated processes
Ubiquiti AI and natural language processing technologies help automate manual workflows for documents and/or records processing. Our solutions drive big efficiencies and accuracy improvements across multiple domains. By allowing Ubiquiti AI to guide the workflow processing, human effort is reduced and productivity is vastly improved
Some examples include:
Easy Auto Dealership Warranty Submissions
Automotive dealerships often have to go through cumbersome processes to get reimbursed from OEMs for warranty repairs. Our technology lets them streamline this process by automatically looking at the technician notes and submitting correctly coded claims. This results in demonstrably improved efficiency and accuracy while generating higher reimbursement rates.

Efficient Adjudication for Healthcare Payers
Health insurance payers often have complex rules for claim reimbursement. Our NLP normalizes varying descriptions from different hospitals and systems, to enable automated claim adjudication. This saves payers significant dollars from the improved efficiencies.

Ubiquiti has been using AI to streamline outdated business processes for more than two decades. Let's have a conversation about how we can help.